Are you in the mood for a cool Recovery?  Flavored ice is the nutrilicious and recovering answer!  This method can be used for ginger ice, lemon ice, etc.  Choose nutrilicious flavors you enjoy!  Fresh cranberries are plentiful in the fall season, and signal the changing of the season.  But now you can enjoy this wonderful winter sensation even in the middle of summer!  Cranberries have both a tart and a sweet taste; and these ice cubes give you a hint of both, along with a hint of vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin C, and manganese.

Cranberry Ice cubesINGREDIENTS

2 cups fresh cranberries

6 cups water


  1. Wash the cranberries by rubbing them together under a running tap of hot water.
  2. Place cranberries in a large stock pot with boiling water.
  3. Boil until the cranberries “pop” – approximately 5-7 minutes.
  4. Turn the heat off and leave in covered pot to steep for an additional 10 minutes.
  5. Strain out into ice cube trays.
  6. After they freeze (approximately 24 hours), use 1 cube for every glass of water.


These recipes are copyright @2014 NutriLiciousRecovery.