Antiperspirant Recall

More than half of the antiperspirants and deodorant body sprays from over 30 common brands contain Benzene, a known carcinogen (cancer-causing substance).  Benzene is a known class one solvent with “unacceptable toxicity” according to the FDA. Many products have...

Good Listeners

Brain scans from dogs showed that their brains light up differently when hearing a native tongue vs. a foreign language.  They seem to understand the difference. Their social learning skills give them a better understanding of their environment… and they’re good...

Bioengineered Food

Words matter… Using “bioengineered food” instead of “GMO” prevents transparency in the food industry.  Because it’s important to have an awareness of the food aka “nourishment” you use daily, I want you to know… The USDA created a national bioengineered food...

Sleep Position

What’s your ideal position – for SLEEPING?  Pre-back surgery I was a stomach sleeper, and while pregnant, a side-sleeper.  Now – definitely a back sleeper.  I guess I’ve tried it all.  What have I learned?  Sleeping on your back is a position...

Sodium Reduction

The latest scoop on salt is that the FDA is requesting voluntary sodium reduction goals in the food industry.  Over the last several years I had been giving talks about the varying salts in use and current sodium guidelines.  The truth is that the studies...

Gel Nails

Many women pursue professional manicures with “gel nail polish” which provides a heartier application that won’t smudge as easily for busier lifestyles.  It seemed like a GREAT product so I went for it a few years back.  I went in to a salon, selected a gel...

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