I’ve been Libby-ing (an app that reads you library books) Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s book, Keep Sharp- Build a better Brain at any age.  And I’ve been thinking about the nutrition that helps fuel the brain.  If we provide all that an organ needs, it serves as optimal fuel for optimal function, right?

So what fuel does our brain need for optimal memory and focus?  And how does that translate into ideal foods for us to eat?  I have to admit I don’t eat all these things, but understand the value of the basic nutrition in boosting brain function:

The first question about optimal fuel has to do with the brain and its composition.  It’s 60% fat – so healthy sources of omega-3 fatty acids (the anti-inflammatory promoting fat) are a great idea!  Caffeine shows positive effects on the brain, and antioxidants are helpful in neutralizing damage from free radicals.  Vitamin C is key in preventing mental decline so that’s a powerful antioxidant to consume daily – it may even help protect against depression, anxiety, or Alzheimer’s disease.  Also vitamins B6 and B12 help with regulating mood and memory.

The second question about which foods is listed here:

  • Fatty Fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, but if you don’t eat fist, then look to pumpkin seeds, walnuts, flax seeds, spirulina, edamame, and beans.
  • Caffeinated Coffee or green tea may sharpen your focus and increase alertness.  The combination of the caffeine and antioxidants are astounding.  Just ensure that you don’t sugar up that brain boosting beverage.  Sugar is not helpful to the brain.
  • Dark Chocolate also contains both caffeine and antioxidants.  Studies show this is also useful with mental tasks and mood boosting.
  • Berries, especially blueberries are loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents.
  • Turmeric or Curcumin (active ingredient in turmeric) has brain boosting aspects specifically with memory, mood, and cell growth. 
  • Oranges are known for good vitamin C nourishment, and there are many more fruits that can provide it too.
  • Eggs are a good source of vitamins B6 and B12 which can support optimal brain function too.

If you are looking for help with creating an optimal meal plan for brain boosting, contact your local nutritional therapist or give me a quick email and we can talk more about how nutrition can help you be the best you!  I look forward to your call!